The Accounting Hall Of Fame: Class Of 2002


Although most accountants are upstanding citizens who save many an American's financial rear end come tax time; their image is that of humorless pencil pushers. Worse, with this Enron / Arthur Andersen thing blowing up, a bean counter carries the unenviable baggage of being seen as someone who would illegally shred documents by the truckload rather than do the right thing.


Interestingly enough (or maybe not), Ohio State University has an Accounting Hall of Fame. Inductees are individuals who, according to the Hall's website, "have made or are making significant contributions to the advancement of accounting." No mention of the recent accounting scandals is made on the Hall's website. Still, one wonders whether adding a down-to-earth touch to the Accounting Hall of Fame might help the profession's image. Adding some people with accounting backgrounds who most of us have heard of could help.


Inductees on the first Cool Accountants Ballot would likely include:






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